Saturday, February 20, 2010

"James Cameron: Avatar" story began on Earth, the hero Jiekesali (Jake Sully, Samuwoxin Burton decoration) is a veteran paralyzed legs, he felt nothing worthy of him to fight, So when asked to go to the planet Pandora, where mining companies work gladly accepted. 1. Pandora Planet:

There is a Pandora's somewhere else on the planet do not have the mineral elements "Unobtanium", it will completely change our energy industry, it is affected by it thousands of miles to be here to attract the human pioneering. However, resource-rich planet Pandora's totally inappropriate for human life, where the air for human toxic, native plants and animals are ferocious predators, is very dangerous. The environment here has created a different group of human bio: 10-foot-tall blue humanoid creature "Navi family." Navi family for the arrival of human pioneers very dissatisfied, they do not like the human machine in the land of the planet around mining, leaving stains scars. 2.DNA combination of:

As the planet Pandora harsh environment, human traditional spacesuit, Mechs are not adequate to protect the miners, so scientists have turned to cloning technology: they inserted the human DNA and Navi's DNA together, creating a clone Navi people, The cloning of Navi who can make sense of human presence which, as human beings on this planet freely "avatar." Yet it is not anyone can manipulate the clone Navi, and only DNA and his body consistent with human DNA typing people have the capability. 3. Human cloning:

Jiekesali's brother is the cloning of human DNA donors Navi, he can manipulate the clone Navi man, but he was killed, and mining companies continue to drop money in order to prevent white-smashing (Cloning Navi person price is not Philippines), must find a substitute for his manipulate the cloning of Navi the person, this person's DNA and its matching must also be consistent, so they naturally find Jiekesali, Jiekesali am very pleased to be for that means that he can hit the road. 4. Jiekesali:

A few years later, Jiekesali to the planet Pandora, he found the beauty here is simply beyond words to describe, up to 900-foot tall giant trees, dotted with floating in the air, mountains, colorful, full of exotic plants, lush rainforests in the evening light ... all kinds of animals and plants also issued a dream ... just like the fantasy garden. But soon he was here to experience the danger of a poisonous wolf (Pandora's planet a native biological) with him their territories, seeing'd be eaten a poisoned arrows dead wolf, Jack saved. To save him is the family of a girl Navi (Zuoyisaer Dana), a Jack learned from her mouth with more knowledge of the planet Pandora. Navi the tribe has always been the planet's other species with the Pandora harmony and live a simple natural life, Jack and this girl get along with Navi changed gradually in the course of humanity's view of mining here, he realized that he have found is worth fighting for things.

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